
Personal Life Analysis


Personal Life Analysis

Personal Life Analysis

Personal life analysis is a tool that you look upon to provide you with wise guidance and sometimes it can be used to discover your destiny. So how does personal life analysis work? Your personal life analysis is actually calculated based on your heaven luck (date, month, year and hour of birth).

With that, it reveals your personal element of life (bazi): temperament, personality, strength and weaknesses etc. of which can help you decide your career choices and other major decisions. It can also tell us what you can make use of/to watch out for in the year to come. All in all, personal life analysis breaks down your life for you, you are able to anticipate the ups and downs in your life. And this paths your life for you, ensuring that the journey to success is a smooth one.

Selection of Baby Names/ Name Analysis

When babies are brought into the world, the best gift they can receive is an auspicious name for a fresh beginning. 

Enhance Marriage Chances/Personal Luck

When babies are brought into the world, the best gift they can receive is an auspicious name for a fresh beginning.

Spiritually Cleansing of cars

A car that is spiritually cleansed will enhance the owner’s luck in not only his career, but at the same time prevent accidents and unfortunate incidents from happening.

Tomb Placement

Besides identifying the appropriate auspicious landforms suitable for the grave site, the correct orientation is equally important when choosing the auspicious meridian spot for the burial to take place.



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