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Chua Geomancy Consultancy

3 days 5 hours ago


「六壬種生基造運法」需請專業風水師親自挑选風水寶地尋龍點穴後,運用天地靈氣,陰陽五行之功法 ,天地山川之龍穴砂水地靈之旺氣, 擇於良辰吉日下,稟告山神土地公,再將當事人的八字、衣服、頭髮、指甲、銅錢和玉器及催運的奇珍異寶物藏在寶地的靈秀之穴中,當事人身上的靈氣之物與生辰八字,與天地之氣融合為一,可提昇整體運勢,可輔助命中後天的不足,達到催官、功名、保命、延年、祛病、啟智、進祿、招財、致富等等。


Chua Geomancy Consultancy

1 week 14 hours ago

GCB Fengshui Audit

Doing 2nd round Fengshui Audit floor area covering of ​​16,000sqft (Build up 36000Sqft) to ensure the orientation and layout of everything is in place.

#ChuaGeomancy #ChuaGeomancyConsultancy

Chua Geomancy Consultancy is at Punggol Digital District.

2 weeks 14 hours ago

Commercial Fengshui Audit

Feng Shui audit for commercial property to ensure a good flow of Qi to promote harmonious relationships, health, wealth and good luck.


Chua Geomancy Consultancy

3 weeks 3 days ago

Thank you for your support and positive review, cheers

Chua Geomancy Consultancy

3 weeks 4 days ago

A big Congratulations to MindChamps for achieveing a Historic education milestone!

Their revolutionary education methodology has secured patents in the US, UK and AU, we look forward to your next breakthrough, cheers!

Chua Geomancy Consultancy

3 weeks 5 days ago

Thank you for your support and positive review, cheers

Chua Geomancy Consultancy

1 month 2 days ago

Landed property fengshui Audit

I met this customer 12years ago for his condo unit Fengshui viewing, and now he's approached me again for a Fengshui viewing for his semi-d home. Really happy to be a part of his next phase of life, embarking on a journey with a bigger and better house. Sending my warmest regards and biggest congratulations!

Chua Geomancy Consultancy

1 month 5 days ago

Commercial fengshui Audit @ Central

Doing a final Feng Shui layout inspection for a branch of an International Education Centre, covering an area of ​​8,000sqft to ensure the orientation and layout of everything is in place.

Chua Geomancy Consultancy

1 month 1 week ago

李先生近來事事不順暢,請老師論運程,通過八字和命卦分析,知道李先生忌神是土,而大運及流年都行忌神運, 加上不久前,他刚搬入一間坐東北向西南属土的艮宅,結果可想而知。

Chua Geomancy Consultancy

1 month 3 weeks ago

Residential Fengshui Selection @ Dunman


Chua Geomancy Consultancy

1 month 3 weeks ago





Chua Geomancy Consultancy

1 month 3 weeks ago

Residential Cleansing

Before moving to newly houses I could encourage my clients to always go through house cleansing ritual first, before owner or the family members can move in. Cleansing helps to ward off negative energy (in our Chinese metaphysics term as"Qi") of the house from previous owners or accidents that may have happened in the midst of renovations. Thus, it is strongly recommended for new owners to cleanse their house before moving in.




Chua Geomancy Consultancy

2 months 3 days ago

Residential Fengshui Audit

人們長時間在房子里生活、休息、工作,身体和精神就會慢慢受周圍磁場的影响,形成“人屋感應”。所以調整風水各系統之間的關係, 必須以人為中心,尋求人與環境之間的最佳组合。

When a person lives, rests, and works in a house for a prolonged period of time, their bodies and minds will gradually be affected by the surrounding magnetic field, forming what we call "human house induction." Therefore, adjusting the relationship between the various systems of Feng Shui must be people-centered and seek the best combination between the person and the environment.

Chua Geomancy Consultancy

2 months 1 week ago



Chua Geomancy Consultancy

2 months 1 week ago

Landed property Cleansing helps to Wards off negative energy

Before moving to newly houses I could encourage my clients to always go through house cleansing ritual first, before owner or the family members can move in. Cleansing helps to ward off negative energy (in our Chinese metaphysics term as"Qi") of the house from previous owners or accidents that may have happened in the midst of renovations. Thus, it is strongly recommended for new owners to cleanse their house before moving in.




Chua Geomancy Consultancy

2 months 1 week ago

Landed Property Fengshui Selection @ North

Property selection as I've always mentioned is about the quality of energy that enters the space you are planning to buy. The energy around the property that you buy can affect you more so than you can ever imagine. This applies to both commercial and residential fengshui. Besides making sure that the surroundings are clean and peaceful, you should also be extra attentive of the layout of the land.

The placement of the doors and gates need to be considered while making the choice. The situation of the bedroom, kitchen, and bathroom also has to be taken into account during the property selection. Buying the property based on feng shui laws can ensure that you're buying the right home for you and your family and that it gives you all the best benefits.


Chua Geomancy Consultancy

2 months 1 week ago

Residential Fengshui Audit @ Dairy Farm

Should you buy a house first or get a fengshui master to look at it first?

Many have doubts as to whether Fengshui should come before buying a house or after.

In fact, both works. However, the former would help to save money.

If viewing of unit and Fengshui audit is done before purchase, it can ensure that the environment and unit layout is ideal for and compatible to the owner so that not much setting or renovation needs to be done
If you have decided to purchase a unit before any Fengshui audit is done, there may be high possibilities relocation or major renovation could cost a fortune.






Chua Geomancy Consultancy

2 months 2 weeks ago

Commercial Fengshui Selection

The fengshui attributes in your units premises has the potential to influence your business. Enhancing these feng shui attributes can create a harmonious work enviourment, which ensures smooth operations, healthy workforce and a flourishing business. With our feng shui master, we will guide you to a profitable and thriving business.


Chua Geomancy Consultancy

2 months 2 weeks ago

Landed Property Fengshui Audit

How feng shui can ensure you are buying the right property that the aspects of health, career and wealth are taken care of.

You should always avoid buying house that has the potential to cause financial devastation, divorces, or sickness. This can be done easily by following a few principles related to Feng Shui.


Chua Geomancy Consultancy

3 months 10 hours ago


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Our Fengshui updates page is under construction, we are working very hard to give you the best experience with this one.
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