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39 reviews on
Koh Wee Leng
Koh Wee Leng
I had been consulting Master Chua annually since 2012 who is able to precisely advise on my fate. Thanks alot for his advise to allow me to make a better decision.
Ng tze ling
Ng tze ling
Master Chua was introduced by my bro in law when my daughter was sick more than 10 years ago. Engaged his fengshui services for our house. We didn’t mentioned about my daughter condition to him before he came up. After taking a look around my house and surrounding of the house, he told us that our sofa which is not placed against the wall and under a beam is no good especially for the person who like to sit on the sofa (my daughter like to sit ) will have head related illness. And it’s true that my daughter illness is related to head. Also we need to shift the sofa, remove a partition(which is too near the door) and also to level all the false ceiling ard the house. His visit to our house really make me believe in fengshui. From then onwards, every year we will go and look for him for year end prayers. He is really really very professional, knowledgeable and listen to your problems and rectified it. Try it to believe it yourself!
Xiuhua Zhang
Xiuhua Zhang
今天刚好休息 想分享一下自己居家风水的故事,新加坡很小可是风水大师真的很多,我老公很早以前就很相信风水布局能够助运a,所以我们一买到房子就请风水大师看风水布局调整,可是过了很久都没有效果也没有助运,反而越来越觉得不顺利家里有事没事都会经常出现问题争吵,后来我们又找了新的风水大师在看可是很多风水都会叫我们买一些吉祥物品,可是问题还是没有得到解决房子住得很压力又不舒心小孩也不听话,让我对风水失去了信心一次又一次的失望,真的不敢在去相信什么风水师什么可以改运了 被骗怕了.最后我们把房子卖了,买了2手房子,我老公又说那个谁谁谁很厉害 的风水大师有很多徒弟 还有一个在马来西亚经常出新生活报头版给我看一直说不停,最后被我老公说服了去见了蔡师傅第一次跟他聊天的时候他就给我们分享了很多关于真正风水知识确实能改变家里的气场还能让家里的人和谐共处健康问题等,蔡师傅真的跟我们遇到的风水师很不同他不会介绍吉祥物品 也不会叫我们拜这个拜那个做消灾祈福,我们很幸运能够请到蔡师傅帮我们做了净宅出煞、旺宅、还有风水布局调整,一切都很顺利 我们到现在已经住了有5个月了 很感恩蔡师傅还有我老公让我对风水越来越有信心,我们自从搬进来之后就没有像以前一样遇到问题就争吵不休!果然风水真的可以改变很多,有时候不得不承认,人确实是在经历了一些事情之后,就悄悄换了一种性格,告别了从前那个自己,执着了很久的事情,后来想想也就那样,好的居家环境真的很重要。以上都是我的真实情况! 选择好的又真的懂的风水大师,真的不一样!会指引你走向光明的道路!最后真心感谢蔡师傅 希望六壬法能够继续传承更多有缘人
kenneth beh
kenneth beh
Professional Master that i been going for consulting for years and solving all my business and family fengshui
Ruimin Wong
Ruimin Wong
我来自大陸福建,97年搬进蔡厝港组屋,居住一年多后98年中丈夫在工作时突然心脏梗塞倒地进医院,之后健康滑落无法工作,兒子忤逆又不听语,常離家出走,带给我很多苦恼,又要一个人扛起家济,生活非常辛苦,压力大。 在一次朋友的聚会中认识了佈來恩,他很热心帮助别人,知道我家境不佳,又面临困境,就介绍他的师父来替我家看风水。 蔡师父到我家看了之后对我说此宅不利家中男性,特别是男宅主健康,果真是如此,我丈夫自从心脏暴发住院之后又得癌症,师父说为了我兒子将来好,建议我搬家。 不久后为我择一间吉屋,师父堪测新家並布局, 三个月后我的兒子整个人变的很乖也懂事了,去了我朋友佈来恩公司上班,在家也会主动帮忙做家务和整理房间,最重要会懂得跟我聊工作上的事情,感情也变得融浴了,我真心感谢蔡昱德师父,也要感恩佈来恩的帮忙。
Woo Shu yun
Woo Shu yun
Master Chua help us to set up our house alter and an our Xiang ru, very experience master who will guide you well on all the necessary things to be done. We also engaged him to calculate our wedding dates and ba zi reading , very accurate and given us a lot of useful trips how to improve 👍
Highly recommended ! 👍👍👍 I have known & met Master Chua for almost 8 yrs. Every time when I facing problems or difficulties in solving, I will look for Master Chua for advise. He always very helpful & show patience to me even sometimes I keep repeating my questions or when I have doubts. He will slowly explain to me till I am fully understand. Recently, I suddenly received a call from Master Chua & he informed me to show more attention over my mum health issue this coming tiger year. After 1 wk later, my mum suddenly feeling giddy & pain & continued unwell. So i went back to Master Chua & seek his advise. Surprisingly, he can tell me my mum health issue by reading fm my birth month & year without me to share with him my mum personal information. Really amazing! Again without failed, knowing the situation is critical for my mum, he immediately put my mum case priority & tried to think the best solution from major illness to minor illness 大病化小病! I really appreciated Master Chua for his professionalism & his help for resolving the problems. 感恩🙏👍🤗
Allan Tan
Allan Tan
Was recommended to Master Chua from a childhood buddy in 2005 and I've been seeking his divine 八子life analysis report annually. It has provided me guidance in my career, marriage, health, investments and all. He is also a FengShui Master and teacher as well. Been recommending him to many many of my contacts
sally lee
sally lee
its a yearly affair with Master Chua for my yearly life reading. i wasn't into feng shui and life reading before i met him. unlike alot of other feng shui guys out there, they will say this and that that will happen for the up coming month. and they will push you to buy all sort of item to enhance the luck. meet Master Chua 6years ago. he give me the reading of what happen to me before in the past and also upcoming months ahead. he wont push me to buy this buy that. instead, he will give you advice on things that is going to happen. at first i also think is ridiculous. until i found out that everything he told me really happened(for the past 6years the accuracy is close to 95%!!). just to share one thing that he warn me, he told me during certain month of the year i will met with a car accident and there could be injury. he advice me to be extra careful. so after listening to him, i start to driving carefully and always keep a longer distance with the vehicle ahead. totally forget about this until i really have a car accident at the month he told me accident will happen. (never had a car accident for at least 10years) thankfully only car is affected. To be honest, im not a daily or monthly customer for him. instead, its really meeting him once a year. but if i got any question on feng shui things, he is just a text away and will give full advice back without charging a single cent!! try him out! he will use him knowledge and skill to give you a very good answer back!! Andy
Vivi Lee
Vivi Lee
Chance upon Master Chua in the website and let him do my bazi reading early this year. I would said till now, what he predicted are all happening to me! Like me and my child health and family issues etc. I have never come across a master like him, nice, helpful and so accurate. Looking forward to have a better life with his guidance. Thank you Master Chua.