Selection of Baby Names / Name Analysis
When babies are brought into the world, the best gift they can receive is an auspicious name for a fresh beginning. A name is what labels a person’s identity and follows by for the rest of a person’s life. An auspicious name can bring about a good impact to your fate and lay a strong foundation for your future as they are what is closely tied to the aspects of: health, academics, career and marriage.
A name should be given according to the baby’s Bazi (八字). Bazi is used to calculate the birth’s configuration of the five elements (金木水火土), with what elements being favourable and unfavourable (八字喜忌用神). Together with the harmonising of the 81灵动数, an auspicious name will counter and offset the imbalance of the five elements. Other than the number of strokes in the Chinese characters, the words should also carry a good and impactful meaning.